Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

What does it feel like when you have the ability to create tomorrow? Let me tell you, it is awesome! As a web designer, I am able to create tomorrow by creating web sites, fill in data, and code for the future.

What do I mean by code for the future? When is the last time you have been on YouTube or “Google” something? You are probably doing it now. And we, the web designers, make that happen. 

As a professional in the web design field, I am able to create from static we pages to interactive web pages. The tools I use range from HTML, CSS, Javascript, Php, and so much more.

Back in the days, sharing and learning information were HARD. For example, you have to do a research paper and it needs supporting sources. Back in the days, you would have to go to a library and search for books. You would have to spend hours and days. Nowadays, we, the web designers, make your life so much easier.  You just have to Google it.

 By the way, web design is not just about making pretty web pages. We care about the viewers also. Yes, white texts on black background will sure pop-out because of the high contrast but if you read that for too long, you will hurt your eyes. We actually care about you. We all like pretty things. However, as a web designer, I am not only making pretty things, I make useable things including clean and simple layout, easy-to-understand navigation, and easy-to-follow links.

Well, actually I am more into the web development side of the web design. Then what is web development? If you searched web development on Wikipedia, this is what you will get: “Web development is a broad term for the work involved in developing a web site for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an intranet (a private network). This can include web design, web content development, client liaison, client-side/server-side scripting, web server and network security configuration, and e-commerce development. However, among web professionals, "web development" usually refers to the main non-design aspects of building web sites: writing markup and coding.” What does it mean? Basically, we make or code the layout and make sure the functions of the web site work. Well, what is a function?

Have you ever gone on a web site which requires you to login first? Have you used a search bar on a web site? Have you clicked on an image and it pops up and enlarges? They are all functions. Back then a web page is just a web page. It only displays information and more links. But now, we are able to add interactivity on a website. We use programing language like JavaScript to add interactivity on the client side for users like you. So now you can click, drag, or move things around on a web page. We also use programing language like php to connect to the server side. For example, if you search or login, the web page will send the request to the server and the server will return the result and displays it for you. In that example, the server side programing language does the tricks.

Why did I say I am more into the web development side of the web design? Whenever you ask me to choose what colors to use on a web page, my brain would freeze. I would make everything gray, all the text would black (Arial), and the link in blue. Yes, I love to make pretty things; however, I am not good at just making pretty images and colorful layout. In my view, a beautiful website is clean, simple, and has no broken codes. Do you know how annoying it is to have a search bar that doesn’t work? I would close that web page and never go on it again.

The future is the web (my short term for World Wide Web). The web is our future. And I love the web. I am passionate to be working in this field.

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